All About Us

We work to help people, businesses, institutions and cultures understand the needs of the Autistic community and make changes to ensure that Autistic people are included.

We offer a comprehensive range of services to accomplish this, offering a tailored service comprising consultations, training, information, webinars and policy development.

Founded by Marion McLaughlin, former charity CEO and qualified teacher, Aurora Autistic Consulting is Autistic-led. We operate across the UK, assisting schools, local authorities, private businesses, youth and community groups, GP’s offices, as well as universities and colleges in making their operations more inclusive, welcoming and safe.

We speak plainly and directly to the people we work with, providing honest feedback and honest guidance on what we think must be done. We are focused on finding the right solutions to our client’s unique needs and circumstances, and are proud to have worked with NHS Scotland, West College Scotland and more.

Aurora Autistic Consulting doesn’t work in isolation. We take a collaborative approach with other Autistic-led organisations such as Scottish Ethnic Minority Autistics.

Marion McLaughlin Headshot

Meet Our Founder

Marion McLaughlin is the Managing Director & Founder of Aurora Autistic Consulting, having founded it in early 2024 after a career as a teacher and serving as CEO of Autism Understanding Scotland.

They write and deliver training, create bespoke packages of support for Aurora’s clients and oversee day to day operations.

Marion founded and organises Autistic Pride Aberdeen and first became interested in Autism while training to be a teacher in 2004. They were formally identified Autistic themselves in 2018.

Marion is the representative of a collective of Autistic Persons Organisation on the Scottish Parliament’s Cross Party Working Group for Autism, and is spokesperson for the Scottish Government’s Different Minds campaign.

When not working, Marion can often be found watching Star Trek or walking through forests with their family.